THANK YOU!! The Community Foundation of Frederick County is a non-profit organization that helps many other non-profit organizations stay true to their commitments to serve the people Frederick County. We are honored to able to materialize the warm hearts and monetary generosity into services for others. Thank you, Thank you to The Community Foundation of Frederick County from all of us at EOPCC!

Emmitsburg Osteopathic Primary Care Center expresses our deep gratitude for the annual grants that have allowed us to better serve many of the medically needy in Northern Frederick County. We have been able to provide free EKGs, Pulse Oximetries, hearing tests, Blood monitoring for HbAlc, PT/ INR, and urine microalbumin monitoring- at no charge to the uninsured.

FY04: $1,728.30 awarded from Frederick Medical Foundation Fund for the purchase of a wheelchair, mayo stands and pulse oximeter.

FY05: $3,495.00 awarded from Frederick Medical Foundation Fund for the purchase of an EKG machine.

FY06: $2,000.00 from unrestricted funds to purchase two computers and a laser printer for the waiting room.

FY07: $2,139.00 from unrestricted funds to purcahse an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

FY08: $3,625.94 for a DCA 2000+ Analyzer and a HemoSense PT/INR

FY09: $1,025.25 for the purchase of an audiometer

FY10: $1,950 for the purchase of a spirometer

FY11: $5,769 for the purchase of 300 Assess Peak Flow Meters

Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. ~Deuteronomy 15:10



121 - 123 W Main St. Emmitsburg, MD 21727

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